- Being able to put yourself in someone else shoes and feel their situation.
- Picking up others' emotions.
- Loosing ones identity in an intimate relationship.
- Picking up the consciousness of a room/place and assuming it as your own.
- Automatically take on other peoples emotions as our own.
- Trying to fix people because you feel how sad/depressed/ etc., they are.
- Lack of healthy boundaries.
- You will need a strong sense of Self to sift through the layers of the emotions that you process and project. Start with your level of awareness: Next time you are in public somewhere, just pay attention to how you are feeling. If you suddenly change how you are feeling, ask yourself 'is this change because of me?' When my emotional state shifts quickly, I first check in to see; am I hungry? Is my blood sugar low? How was I just feeling before this changed? You have to be very honest with yourself here. You may all of a sudden feel sad because you saw a couple kissing and you just had a break up. That's clearly your stuff. If it wasn't yours, you would likely feel love looking at the kissing couple. Own your stuff!
- If you are not aware of the emotions you normally feel, then how will you know when they are yours or not yours? Awareness is key. If you are able to determine the emotion you are feeling is yours, accept it don't make excuses for it. It's yours and that's ok.
- If an emotion gets too overwhelming for you, just ground yourself or shift your thinking to something more enjoyable. If the emotion is that tangible, you can always go back to it when you are in a safer environment.
- Please remember, EMOTIONS ARE YOUR GUIDE. They are telling you something. LISTEN. Listen, whether they are yours or someone else's. Trust what you hear. Start trusting yourSelf.