I had a back issue. It started when I was a teenager and continued well into my 30's. It had gotten to a point where i was not comfo...

About Me

I had a back issue. It started when I was a teenager and continued well into my 30's. It had gotten to a point where i was not comfortable in any position. I tried chiropractors, body stress release, massage and physiotherapy. These modalities all brought temporary relief but the discomfort would always come back. One night, I went to a friends house for dinner. Moving from chair to chair in discomfort, my friend asked me, “why dont you try Reiki?” I had no idea what it was. She explained that it was a natural healing method to bring balance to the body energetically. I thought, 'I am not gonna try that!' Energy stuff sounded freaky. No thank you. I was in the medical field and appreciated a more scientific approach to the physical body. She gave me the card of someone she had been going to anyway. For some reason, I never threw that card away. About a month later, things had not improved with my usual methods of trying to get rid of the pain. I thought, well, it cant hurt and if it doesn't do anything I can just chalk it up as another thing I tried. I made an appointment and went about a week later.

I was terrified. What was she gonna do to me? The fear subsided when I was met with a smile and honest answers to questions I didn't even know I had. It is quite easy for me to to determine when someone is not in alignment with their truth. This lady, Lyndsay, was authentic and told me all about my energy field; where there was weakness, where it was strong and where there was imbalance. We talked for well over the time limit. My mind thought what she was saying was a bit strange but there was another part of me that understood. It resonated with me, like I knew it all along. Further treatments were needed to sort out my stuff and that came with more questions and answers. I became like a sponge. I started reading all sorts of books about energy and other esoteric information then we would chat about it at the next treatment. My back was better but not completely gone. Lyndsay informed me she was also a Reiki teacher and I realized I wanted to do to others what she did for me. So I did all the levels with her. Reiki was never enough for me though. I tried other modalities, learned how to do them, read lots of new age/spiritual books but I was still searching. I was teaching Reiki, practicing Reiki and running healing groups. Still, I was not satisfied. It has only been in the last 2 years that I realized it was time to incorporate all I learned and focus on MY healing. The search I had been doing for years was to know myself better but when it got to the real dark stuff, I ran (overlooked it, ignored it, whatever you wanna call it). This is when the real work started; when I finally understood the only way to grow is to go within. I put down the books. Stopped doing courses. Stopped teaching and limited my Reiki practice. I meditated. Sat in stillness. Started writing in a journal. Found knots in my body and jumped in to find out what's really going on. Saw my shadow. Not pretty. Did you know there's more than one shadow? More and more comes up as each layer of baggage gets exposed. I now understand that this work is never complete.

What I want you to know is that you don't need to have the latest, popular new age/self-help book. You don't need to do Reiki or any other modality for healing. These are all useful, yes, and can help you get where you want to be however, you just need some basic tools to start becoming aware of your own stuff and how you are affecting those around you. Once you know this, you can choose to continue with the same behaviors/characteristics you've had most your life or you can make some significant changes in order to grow and be that person you admire. I have some tools that proved to be very effective and assisted in my growth. Maybe they can help you too. At the end of the day, all your healing is up to you.

In case you are wondering, I don't have a back problem anymore.

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