As mentioned in the previous blog entry, our dominant thoughts determine where our energy goes. Have you worked out yet where your energy ...

Energy and the Body (Part 2)

As mentioned in the previous blog entry, our dominant thoughts determine where our energy goes. Have you worked out yet where your energy is going? It can be difficult to assess this because we have so many thoughts going on simultaneously but by now you may have noticed one or two common themes in your thinking. With many people, including myself, one of the predominant thoughts is of Self-sabotage. I enjoy my own company and quite like who I am but when I started really paying attention to my internal dialogue, I was surprised by the negative stuff that came up! The problem here is that you may have been thinking negative thoughts about yourself for so long, you don't even realize it is dictating your behavior. So this entry is about you paying more attention to what you are saying about yourself and what you feel when someone is talking to you. REMEMBER, YOUR EMOTIONS ARE YOUR GUIDE TO WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU. ALWAYS. If you are thinking positive thoughts about yourself, you will feel good. When you feel good, you are in alignment with who you really are. We will get more into this in the next blog entry when we discuss the Law of Attraction.

Technique 2

First and foremost, you must be aware of what you are thinking about yourself. Just start with that. Once you have a better grasp on your thoughts, start paying attention to where you feel that negative thought in your body. The body has an intelligence and knows more than your mind does which is why I continue to stress paying attention to it. If you feel tightness in a part of your body when you are thinking you are fat or ugly, for example, then you will understand why there is tension in that part. When that part hurts or tightens again, you will know, “oh I just said I cant wear that cute little top because I’m too fat.” This is a very simple example but you get the idea. Perhaps you could go back to that part of the body when you have some quiet time and sit with it to see what more it brings up for you. Again, breathe through it and release it (see previous blog entry for more info on that). These simple acts will increase your awareness and therefore your intuition more than you can understand at this point.

Technique 3

Next, when you are having a conversation with someone, pay attention to how you feel when they are talking and where you feel it in your body. People in our circle, particularly our loved ones, push our buttons. When they get pushed, we just react without even being aware of what just happened! For example, many years ago I had a boss that would constantly cause me to react without even thinking. Most often this reaction was in a very defensive manner. I didn't like him and he annoyed me anytime he was in my presence. I started asking the question, “why does he bother so much?” One day, I did my usual and just reacted to something he said when I noticed that I felt a knot in my solar plexus. I didn't quite understand but I started paying more attention to that part of me when I talked to him. I got to a point where I was able to lengthen the time between the trigger and my response by breathing. I would feel the knot, not say anything until I took in a few breaths, then I could CHOOSE to respond differently. I had control! After having plenty of opportunities to practice this, he stopped bothering me, like completely. I was finally able to see the light in him which I could not see before. He didn't change at all but I was able to change my response to him and in the end reduce my stress.

It is important for you to pay attention to what your body is saying to you before we begin learning about the energy field. Your body is a guide; another tool for you to use to see where you are at any given moment. Trust it.

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