The Energy Field
blog entry was suppose to be a continuation from the previous
regarding the Law of Attraction but I got a bit stuck while working
on it so I thought we'd do something more fun for now. I do intend to
complete part 2 of the Law of Attraction so bear with me!
I was working on my master's thesis, I had to take a course in
anatomy. Because physical anthropology was associated with the
medical school in Cape Town, the anatomy course was the same one as
the medical students therefore, we worked on cadavers. Outside of
school, I had just started learning about energy through the Reiki
treatments I was receiving regularly. When we got to the dissection
of the abdominal cavity on the cadavers, I remember looking for the
Chakras and meridians. I even brought a picture to class one day of
where these energy centers were suppose to be on the body and was
quite confused as to why I couldn't find them! They are there, of
course. We just can't see them with the naked eye. All colors vibrate
to a different frequency and that frequency determines the color. The
Chakras and their connectors (meridians) also vibrate at different
frequencies but they out of range of what we can see with our human
concept of the Energy Field (EF) can be quite daunting. In the field,
there are Chakras, meridians and so many different layers. Yikes! To
get completely verse in everything there is to know about the EF you
would need years of practice and you still might not have it all
figured out. But I don't think it has to be that hard. For the
purposes of this blog, we are NOT going to break down the EF into
parts. At all. At least not for a while. We will however lump it all
together as one unit so that you can get familiar with feeling it,
controlling it and picking stuff up from it.
your EF is all around you and actually extends quite far out away
from your body. Additionally, it may not be symmetrical. It could be
more to the left or the right - more behind you than in front of you.
How far it extends and where it's located depends on your primary
feeling at any given moment. If you feel withdrawn or depressed, it
is close to your body however when you want to be seen or feeling
confident, it expands automatically. If you are sick with a disease,
it will be depleted and will also sit very close to your physical
body. Alternatively, if you are happy and full of love it will be
strong, full, enormous and feel smooth to others. You may notice
that you are drawn to these people but those who are feeling bitter
or hateful you tend to stay away from as their field will feel spikey
and uncomfortable. Barbara Ann Brennan has an excellent book called
“Hands of light” (1988). In it, there is a picture (attached below) of our
different states of being and what the associated EF would look like.
This may be helpful if you are a more visual person. Your EF adjusts
to your current offering and will do whatever you tell it to do. You
have always had full control over it but not necessarily conscious of
that control.
EF is incredibly sensitive, pliable and capable of tearing. In cases
of physical or emotional trauma (the severity of which is determined
by you), the EF will tear and actually leak out vital life force.
about you is in the EF because what you are thinking and feeling
determines what goes in there. This is why in previous blogs I wanted
you to focus on what you are thinking about yourself and what you are
thinking about others. The mind, body and EF are NOT separate. We
have been taught to believe they are. It is such an indoctrination
that we often do not take any responsibility for our level of health;
mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually.
previous exercises have been for you to connect with your body and
listen to it what it is trying to tell you. Now it's time to focus
and connect with your EF. There is much to discuss in terms of your
own EF as well as other peoples' EF and the interaction between the
two, but first must understand what our own EF is doing. More
importantly, you may need proof that it even exists in the first
place! So before we go any further lets do a couple exercises to feel
7 (Part one)
- Find a quiet spot and time where you won't be disturbed for about 20 minutes.
- Close your eyes and take in some slow, deep breaths. Do this for a while until you feel a bit more relaxed and calm.
- Do a quick body scan to see where your discomfort is and breathe into those areas as described in previous blog entries.
- Now that you are fully in your body, bring your attention to the space around your body. For simplicity, see this space like an egg; equal on all sides and only extending about 2 feet from your body. This may be hard to do at first so perhaps you can start with the space right in front of you and move to all the sides one at a time. What does it feel like? Is it smooth or spikey? Is it heavy or light? Do you see or feel colors? Does it feel happy, sad or indifferent? Are there tears or holes? Pay attention to whatever you are feeling and/or seeing with your inner eye. Sit with this for a while. I would recommend doing this exercise a few times to get really comfortable with it before moving on to part two.
- This exercise brings you out of your body for a bit so before you get up and walk away, do a quick grounding exercise: Wiggle your feet for a bit; almost like stretches. Then picture your feet as the branches and leaves of a tree and see/feel the roots going deep into the earth and locking into the iron core. You can combine them and have one big root that grows down or have 2 trees, one for each foot. I find it easier to do two trees but play with both and see what works for you.Part two
- Start off the same as the 4 steps in Part one.
- Check in on your EF. What is it doing and how does it feel? Take note.
- Now take in a deep breath and as you exhale intend that you are blowing your EF out to about 20 feet. This may take several out breaths to achieve.
- Once you feel you've reached that distance, hang out there for a bit. How does it feel to be that big? Are you picking up colors or feelings? Do you feel powerful and confident or is it uncomfortable?
- Once you've had enough of being 'out there,' on the in breath start pulling your EF back....really close to your body now. Pay attention to the different distances. As you pull it back, you may find a distance that feels good. Take note of that for now.
- Now that you've pulled it really close to your body, how does that feel? Is it too small for you? Do you feel isolated and/or alone? Or does it make you feel strong and/or content? Be there for a while.
- Now, with the breath move your EF to a distance that felt the most comfortable for you.
- Do the grounding exercises above.
was that for you? Do you now understand that the EF not only exists
but you can do something with it? How fun is that! The next entry
will be how to heal the EF and balance it.