When I was in South Africa, I had the opportunity to hold and play with baby lions. I cannot express in words how amazing this experience was for me but what I can tell you is, at that moment, I was in total alignment with who I am. This is what cats of all kinds do for me. They help me to connect with my soul or authentic Self – the real me.
During the course of a day, we are busy working, cooking, doing projects, cleaning, tending to the children, etc. Although these things are necessary, they can keep us from connecting to our authentic Self. Additionally, we put on masks and become something we are not when we go to a meeting or to the store or talk to that person we don't really want to see. How often are you in alignment with who you really are? For me, cats put in that special place when I am around them and even when I think of cuddling one. What gets you there? Whatever you do that gets you there...do it...because that feeling is also the same feeling you need when you want to create something you do not have.
This leads us to the Law of Attraction. A book and subsequent movie called, 'The Secret,' seems to have popularized this concept as it was a bestseller in the US and Canada (2006). I only really understood the application of this Law when I read, 'Ask and it is Given, ' by Esther and Jerry Hicks. They add the physics aspect of the concept by discussing how we must be in 'vibrational' alignment with who we are and that thing we desire. Here is their definition:
“The Law of Attraction: That which is like unto itself is drawn. Whatever you are giving your attention to causes you to emit a vibration (via thought forms), and the vibrations that you offer equal your asking, which equals your point of attraction. If there is something you desire that you currently do not have, you need only put your attention upon it, and, by the law of attraction, it will come to you, for as you think about this thing or experience that you desire, you offer a vibration, and then, by law that very thing or experience must come to you. However, if there is something that you desire that you currently do not have, and you put your attention upon your current state of not having it, then Law of Attraction will continue to match that not having it vibration, so you will continue to not have that which you desire. It's the Law.”
Let's apply this into our lives by using money as an example. We all want it but how many of us have an abundance of it? After reading the above statement you might think, “Well, my attention is on money all the time so why isn't it coming to me?” My mother is a good example of this. I love her but just about every conversation I have with her, she talks about how much money she doesn't have. If we understand the Law of Attraction, then it makes sense she doesn't have money because her focus is on the lack of it. What are your feelings about money?
Alternatively, have you ever noticed when you ARE in alignment with that thing you want? Many years ago, I participated in 10 pin bowling. One year, my average had gone up quite significantly as I switched from a normal grip to a fingertip grip so when the tournament was announced, I knew I was going to win. There was no doubt in my head or heart. I was in perfect alignment with that thing I wanted and I won. It was such a strong, good feeling. If you focus on the lack of something then you don't feel good. It's really that simple.
My lion example is presented to give you a set-point. You may not understand when you are in alignment with that thing you desire but if you do something that feels good (for me, cuddling cats) that will give you an idea of what alignment is suppose to feel like. It's all about feeling, which I can't stress enough. YOU CAN TELL WHAT YOU ARE OFFERING VIBRATIONALLY AND THEREFORE WHAT COMES BACK TO YOU BY THE WAY YOU FEEL.
Technique 5
Before we break down the steps on how to get into vibrational alignment with the thing you desire, you first must be aware of what vibrations you are offering to the world. Perhaps write down the answers to these questions:
Technique 6
If you do these exercises or at least start paying attention to the thoughts you are offering about different things in your life and what is coming back to you, you will see for yourself if the Law of Attraction is a real thing or not. Don't just listen to me. Your experience with this is the only proof you need. You may also begin to notice that you have more control over what happens in your life that you previously thought, which is the entire point of this blogsite!
If you have noticed that you are not in alignment with the things you desire, how can you change that? In the next blog, i will list some ideas and examples of how you can alter what you are currently offering.
During the course of a day, we are busy working, cooking, doing projects, cleaning, tending to the children, etc. Although these things are necessary, they can keep us from connecting to our authentic Self. Additionally, we put on masks and become something we are not when we go to a meeting or to the store or talk to that person we don't really want to see. How often are you in alignment with who you really are? For me, cats put in that special place when I am around them and even when I think of cuddling one. What gets you there? Whatever you do that gets you there...do it...because that feeling is also the same feeling you need when you want to create something you do not have.
This leads us to the Law of Attraction. A book and subsequent movie called, 'The Secret,' seems to have popularized this concept as it was a bestseller in the US and Canada (2006). I only really understood the application of this Law when I read, 'Ask and it is Given, ' by Esther and Jerry Hicks. They add the physics aspect of the concept by discussing how we must be in 'vibrational' alignment with who we are and that thing we desire. Here is their definition:
“The Law of Attraction: That which is like unto itself is drawn. Whatever you are giving your attention to causes you to emit a vibration (via thought forms), and the vibrations that you offer equal your asking, which equals your point of attraction. If there is something you desire that you currently do not have, you need only put your attention upon it, and, by the law of attraction, it will come to you, for as you think about this thing or experience that you desire, you offer a vibration, and then, by law that very thing or experience must come to you. However, if there is something that you desire that you currently do not have, and you put your attention upon your current state of not having it, then Law of Attraction will continue to match that not having it vibration, so you will continue to not have that which you desire. It's the Law.”
Let's apply this into our lives by using money as an example. We all want it but how many of us have an abundance of it? After reading the above statement you might think, “Well, my attention is on money all the time so why isn't it coming to me?” My mother is a good example of this. I love her but just about every conversation I have with her, she talks about how much money she doesn't have. If we understand the Law of Attraction, then it makes sense she doesn't have money because her focus is on the lack of it. What are your feelings about money?
Alternatively, have you ever noticed when you ARE in alignment with that thing you want? Many years ago, I participated in 10 pin bowling. One year, my average had gone up quite significantly as I switched from a normal grip to a fingertip grip so when the tournament was announced, I knew I was going to win. There was no doubt in my head or heart. I was in perfect alignment with that thing I wanted and I won. It was such a strong, good feeling. If you focus on the lack of something then you don't feel good. It's really that simple.
My lion example is presented to give you a set-point. You may not understand when you are in alignment with that thing you desire but if you do something that feels good (for me, cuddling cats) that will give you an idea of what alignment is suppose to feel like. It's all about feeling, which I can't stress enough. YOU CAN TELL WHAT YOU ARE OFFERING VIBRATIONALLY AND THEREFORE WHAT COMES BACK TO YOU BY THE WAY YOU FEEL.
Technique 5
Before we break down the steps on how to get into vibrational alignment with the thing you desire, you first must be aware of what vibrations you are offering to the world. Perhaps write down the answers to these questions:
- Pay attention to your immediate outside world. Is there chaos around you or calmness? Are you stressed?
- Does your family, friends, neighbours, or coworkers make you feel happy or sad or frustrated?
- What vibrations are you offering about important things in your life?
- What is the main focus (and therefore your main vibrational offering) in your life right now?
Technique 6
- Write down a list of things you desire. Then write how you feel about those things. If you desire a new car, for example, do you feel like you don't deserve a new car? Write down everything you feel about this desire. Does the vibration you are offering about that new car match the feeling of having that car?
If you do these exercises or at least start paying attention to the thoughts you are offering about different things in your life and what is coming back to you, you will see for yourself if the Law of Attraction is a real thing or not. Don't just listen to me. Your experience with this is the only proof you need. You may also begin to notice that you have more control over what happens in your life that you previously thought, which is the entire point of this blogsite!
If you have noticed that you are not in alignment with the things you desire, how can you change that? In the next blog, i will list some ideas and examples of how you can alter what you are currently offering.